Employability Programme for Young People - Sports 4 Life UK
Project Details
Sport 4 Life believes in a level playing field where every young person has the opportunity to create a better future for themselves.
The Employability Project helps young people, aged 11 to 29, to move into continued education, training, and work through sports-themed personal development.
The programme supports young people in Birmingham who are disadvantaged, at risk of being unemployed or who are NEET (not in education, employment or training). The majority of the young people who the group supports come from underprivileged backgrounds living in areas of severe deprivation, single-parent families, socially excluded families, or BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) groups. Each young person is assigned an employability mentor to support their progression into work, education or training.
The group bring people together to improve their health and wellbeing through our weekly sports sessions.
Location: Birmingham
Start Date: 1st July 2006
Website: sport4life.org.uk
Social Media: Twitter