Delivering Social Value
Our focus on sustainability, health and well-being, inclusivity, human rights and local benefit.
Social Values Charter
The Commonwealth Games bring nations together in a colourful celebration of sport and human performance.
Underpinned by the core values of humanity, equality and destiny, the Games aim to unite the Commonwealth family through a glorious festival of sport and culture. Often referred to as the ‘Friendly Games’, the event is renowned for inspiring athletes to compete in the spirit of friendship and fair play.
As preparations for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games take shape (check out The Schedule), the city and the region become part of a lasting legacy, one that displays world-class teamwork, athleticism and friendship.
These are a Games for everyone, a level playing field for men and women with a fully integrated para-sports programme, and a huge emphasis on the Commonwealth’s youth.
The Birmingham 2022 Social Values Charter is our way of setting out what’s important to us as we work towards completing that task. The Charter will apply to every stage we go through whilst delivering the Games – from conception, to planning and implementation and then right through to reviewing the event and our post-Games activity.
The Social Values Charter is focused on five key areas;
- Sustainability – ensuring environmental, economic and social aspects are considered in all key decisions
- Health and well-being – maximising the opportunities to improve the levels of physical activity and wellbeing
- Inclusivity – making the Games accessible to all
- Human rights – having the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights always in mind
- Local Benefit – ensuring the Games contributes to the local economy and provides opportunities for local people
We’ve set out aims and objectives for each of these five areas and we’ll achieve these by adopting key principles as part of our day-to-day work on the Games, including through our procurement, the way we recruit and look after our team and volunteers, the way we work with the local community and the way we go about designing and delivering the Games.
We will live the terms of this Charter through our delivery of the Games.